Campus Flemingsberg now has its own campus choir

Campus Flemingsberg now has its very own campus choir: Flemingos. During the autumn, three students at the Stockholm University College of Music Education, (SMI), led a group of around ten singers. Next semester, the choir will get back together again, when they will be joined by a chamber choir.

Ever since SMI moved to Campus Flemingsberg, there have been plans to start a campus choir to bring together singers from all five universities on campus. This autumn, that became a reality with help from Folkuniversitetet.

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The Flemingos campus choir functions as a Folkuniversitetet course, with the first round of courses starting at the end of November and wrapping up at the end of the year.

IMAGE: Archive Photography, SMI

“We’ll start the choir again next year in the same way, when anyone who wants to apply for the course can participate. Anyone with a connection to Flemingsberg is welcome,” says Jesper Blomberg, incoming singing teacher at SMI.

The course is led by Jesper, Nicolai Rese and Martin Lisse; all three are studying at SMI to be singing teachers.

“When I was growing up, I sang in a gospel choir. Singing with others has given me so much. The social aspect of choral singing is fantastic, and I’d like to give others the opportunity to experience that”, says Jesper.

In November and December, around ten people of all ages met regularly at SMI to sing Christmas carols together. The choir winds up with a private concert in mid-December with five Christmas songs.

“Next semester, we hope to perform a larger concert. By then, we’ll have had the chance to meet many more times,” Jesper says.

Chamber choir planned
During the spring, a slightly more advanced chamber choir is also planned for singers used to reading music,” says Ian Plaude, SMI vice-chancellor.

“I will lead that choir, which will also be a collaboration with Folkuniversitetet. Hopefully, this investment will be long-term and contribute to cultural life on campus,” says Plaude.

Keep an eye on the Folkuniversitetet website if you would like to join the Flemingos.

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