The emergence of a new ecosystem

Campus Flemingsberg boasts a highly robust ecosystem in the field of Life Science, characterized by world-class education, research, and entrepreneurship, with Karolinska University Hospital serving as a central hub. The foundation plays a vital role in promoting the visibility of this ecosystem, ensuring its continuous development and facilitating new establishments.

During the spring, we introduced a novel visualization of the ecosystem, offering a fresh perspective on how all the components interconnect. Now we are also starting a special investment in the research infrastructures on campus. The goal is to facilitate increased collaboration between these infrastructures, companies, and industries in order to further increase interest in the campus.

Furthermore, we are in the early stages of cultivating a new ecosystem, one that will provide fertile ground for the growth of creative and cultural industries. The start of this work is the opening of Innovation Station Flemingsberg: a new co-working space, innovation hub and meeting place. Right at the heart of the campus square, Södertörn University and the foundation are teaming up to create a space where companies and organizations can mingle, exchange fresh ideas, and become catalysts for Flemingsberg’s development. We’ve already formed a strong partnership with Huddinge and Botkyrka municipalities and others. Recently, we took an inspiring trip together to the Hasso Plattner Institute in Berlin.

Looking ahead, we envision collaboration between these different ecosystems, sparking new ideas at the intersection of various disciplines and fields.

We at the foundation want to wish everyone a nice summer and look forward to continuing to work on developing Flemingsberg in the fall.

Johnny Högberg,
CEO Flemingsberg Science

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