Event: Welcome to our new coworking and meeting place at Campus Flemingsberg

Stockholm aims to become a world-leading life science cluster. To succeed, the city needs expertise, research facilities, cooperation and cross-border meeting places where creative collaborations can occur. Welcome to a launch event where we will shed light on what's needed to set us all on the right path.

Event: Welcome to our new coworking and meeting place at Campus Flemingsberg2022-10-17T10:58:47+02:00

Flemingsberg Science celebrates ten years – follow the journey to today

This year marks the 10 year anniversary of the start of the the Flemingsberg Science Foundation. The decade has seen a number of initiatives that have contributed to the development of Flemingsberg as a regional city center in southern Stockholm. A new publication summarizes the ten-year journey made by the Flemingsberg Science Foundation during the years 2011-2021. Here, the foundation's three periods of activity are described under the headings: More new knowledge-intensive companies, Collaboration for a strong campus and A living and open university city.

Flemingsberg Science celebrates ten years – follow the journey to today2021-11-08T18:19:56+01:00

Dance collective focusing on young people takes the stage at Flemingsberg’s stage art residence

The dance collective Johanssons pelargoner och dans will be the first to appear on the stage art residence established by Huddinge municipality and Södertörn University. In 2021, the collective will, among other things, develop workshops and give open rehearsals in Flemingsberg.

Dance collective focusing on young people takes the stage at Flemingsberg’s stage art residence2021-05-21T14:46:18+02:00

Stockholm Life Science Conference

On May 25, Karolinska Institutet is organizing  Stockholm Life Science Conference, a full-day event to co-create the life science system of the future.

Stockholm Life Science Conference2021-04-27T16:30:01+02:00

Strengthened collaboration with new website

Flemingsberg Science recently launched its new website with the aim of guiding more people to the resources they need in our knowledge-rich environment. Flemingsberg offers considerable potential for greater co-operation and further growth in activity.

Strengthened collaboration with new website2019-12-18T12:52:04+01:00

Campus Day sparks new co-operation across borders

The autumn term at Campus Flemingsberg kicked off with the now traditional Campus Day. The event brings together students from all the colleges and universities in Flemingsberg to get to know one another and get advice on everything from student wellbeing to future career paths, as well as competing for a free lunch in the autumn sunshine.

Campus Day sparks new co-operation across borders2019-10-22T10:16:17+02:00
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