Good collaboration paves the way for rapid development of Flemingsbergsdalen

The Flemingsbergsdalen development program creates the necessary conditions needed for thousands of new jobs, homes, business opportunities, entertainment and services. Building work on the Royal Swedish Opera and the Royal Dramatic Theatre’s new production center will begin in 2022.

The program was approved by Huddinge municipal council in April.
“I’m so proud that we achieved so much in such a short time. We’ve worked incredibly hard, internally at council level and in cooperation with the consortium behind the development of the area,” says Ida Larsson, program director at Huddinge municipality.

Bringing together today’s Flemingsberg
The area offers around 35,000 workplaces, some 5,000 homes, commercial services, three parks, four schools, seven pre-schools, event venues, hotels and congress facilities, and a transport hub. And all packaged in a welcoming urban environment that brings together the whole of Flemingsberg in a new center. The initiative is also designed to improve balance across the region.

“The main aim [of the program] is to attract many more jobs, which makes it possible to create a better balance between the north and south of Stockholm, to make it easier for people to live and work south of the city.”

The development program incorporates several visions of how the area will look in 2050. But already now, detail plans are being made for parts of the area, including a new production center for the Royal Opera and Royal Theatre.
A new Kungsträdgården
The program also includes plans for Huddingevägen and the existing rail track to be built over which will create a new area the same size as Kungsträdgården in central Stockholm.
“Filling this area with the sort of things that feel relevant and enjoyable for as many people as possible is an exciting challenge. This place has such great potential,” says Larsson.
One challenge has been to achieve the critical mass of day and night populations needed to create a living city center.
“That’s why we’re planning to have high-rises close together in the office and residential areas. So it’s a challenge to simultaneously create green spaces for residents and children as well as ecosystem services.”
The physical plans provide considerable scope to things that need to be developed at a specific, detailed planning level.
“This is where we can deal with issues such as how business of the future will look and what we’ll need to see in workplaces of the future.”
A key aspect of this is to create the necessary conditions for sustainable travel. That’s why we have a street environment that prioritizes pedestrians, cyclists and public transport.”

An international edge
During the planning work, several field visits were made throughout Stockholm as well as to Copenhagen.
“We’re also planning a new travel hub in Flemingsberg to make public transport more attractive and more efficient. In Copenhagen we were inspired by how they had worked to create places that attract different types of people to public space.
In Flemingsberg today, there are some 150 different nationalities represented and that diversity should be visible in the public space,” says Larsson.
“Given the diversity that exists in Flemingsberg already, we hope to be able to create an international edge to the area and attract global actors to take on a local hue.

Click here for details of the Flemingsbergsdalen development plan. 

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