Event: Welcome to our new coworking and meeting place at Campus Flemingsberg

Stockholm aims to become a world-leading life science cluster. To succeed, the city needs expertise, research facilities, cooperation and cross-border meeting places where creative collaborations can occur. Welcome to a launch event where we will shed light on what's needed to set us all on the right path.

Event: Welcome to our new coworking and meeting place at Campus Flemingsberg2022-10-17T10:58:47+02:00

Strong brands choose Flemingsberg

Kungliga Operan AB and Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern AB have signed an agreement with Fabege to relocate their operations from Gäddviken in Nacka to Flemingsberg. The agreement constitutes the start of the next phase in Fabege's urban development plans in Flemingsberg.

Strong brands choose Flemingsberg2020-03-04T11:13:06+01:00
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