The Flemingsberg Science Foundation works to make Flemingsberg one of Sweden’s most important centers for education, research and creativity by 2050. We promote and take the lead in the development of knowledge-intensive activities in Flemingsberg. We do this together with academia, business and society. Below, you can read our latest news.

A Growing Arts and Cultural Scene in Flemingsberg

March 12th, 2025|

As Flemingsberg transforms into a city, a vibrant and dynamic arts and cultural scene is essential. Last spring, for the first time, over thirty individuals active in the cultural sector with ties to Flemingsberg gathered. This marked the starting point for a growing cultural cluster within one of Sweden's largest urban development projects.

Agnes Török: A Voice for Performance Poetry & Reading Promotion

March 8th, 2025|

With roots in Sweden and an international career, Agnes Török has established themselves as one of the most engaging voices in modern poetry. Agnes Török is Sweden's Reading Ambassador, a spoken word poet, and an author. Recently, they were also appointed as the lead instructor for the new university program in Performance Poetry and Storytelling at the Stockholm Institute of Music Education (SMI). 

ATMP Symposium for Knowledge Exchange, Innovation, and Future Collaborations

March 8th, 2025|

On January 22, 2025, NextGenNK and CCRM Nordic hosted a mini-symposium at Karolinska Institutet, Campus Flemingsberg, with a focus on Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP). The event aimed to foster networking within the ATMP field and provide insights into both academic and commercial advancements in Stockholm and Sweden.

GameHub Flemingsberg: A New Initiative to Create the Gaming Cluster of the Future

March 6th, 2025|

The Flemingsberg Science Foundation is launching a business development program in collaboration with Drivhuset Stockholm, associated partners, and Södertörn University as a first step in establishing a gaming cluster in Flemingsberg. The project, named GameHub, aims to facilitate the creation of new gaming companies and strengthen Flemingsberg's position as a center for game development.

Flemingsberg Science Foundation welcomes Uroš Mićić as the new Community Manager

March 3rd, 2025|

In December last year, the Flemingsberg Science Foundation was granted funding from the European Regional Development Fund to establish itself as a key player in Life Science with the launch of the "Cluster Engine Life Science Flemingsberg" project. Meet Uroš Mićić, the foundation's new Community Manager, who will work on developing the Life Science cluster in Flemingsberg.

Master the Art of Pitching – Elevate Your Startup Game

February 13th, 2025|

Are you an entrepreneur or innovator with a game-changing startup idea? Want to communicate it with confidence, clarity, and impact? Join Venture Cup and Flemingsberg Science Foundation for a high-energy, hands-on pitch workshop led by Malcolm Larri, a renowned pitch coach who has trained founders across the Nordics and beyond.

What’s on?

What’s happening on Instagram?

Hi again and Welcome back to Vecura👩🏼‍🔬Follow along to our QC-lab and get a glimpse of the production of an ATMP we make in collaboration with @NEOGAP!#campusflemingsberg
Onsdag i Allé Elva = Sydamerikansk fest på tallriken!
Kom och värm upp dagen med färgstarka smaker och en sötsak du inte vill missa!Dagens lunch – 26/3:
🌎 Tema: Sydamerika!
🌱 Vegansk: Bakad portabello med chimichurri
🧀 Vegetarisk: Entomatadas – salladsost- & tomatfyllda gratinerade tortillas
🌮 Kött: Carnitas med salsa verdeOch som pricken över i:et…
Dagens efterrätt: CHURROS med chokladsås! – en klassiker du inte vill missa!Studentlunch:
🍴 Gratinerad falukorv med potatis
🥦 Ost- & broccolibiff med potatis och chilimajoAlla rätter serveras med sallad, bröd, dryck, kaffe/te och dessert – för bara 75 kr för studenter!Välkommen in till Allé Elva – smakresan väntar!
#AlléElva #SydamerikanskLunch #DagensLunch #Studentlunch #Onsdagstreat #Lunchinspo #ChurrosVibes #söfre #södertörnshögskola #studentlunchen #polishögskolan #polisstudent #ki_studenter #karolinskainstitutet #karolinskauniversitetssjukhuset #campusbynordrest #campusflemingsberg #widerströmskagymnasiet
Varför ska du plugga till sjuksköterska vid Röda Korsets Högskola?campusflemingsberg rkhsk#sjuksköterska #studera #campusflemingsberg #rödakorset #rödakorsetshögskola
Idag håller vi Öppet hus på Röda Korsets Högskola tillsammans med alla lärosäten på Campus Flemingsberg! Varmt välkomna att besöka oss kl. 14.00-17.30. Studievägledare och studenter finns på plats och vi håller presentationer om sjuksköterskeutbildningen och ger en rundvandring i våra fina lokaler. Varmt välkomna!#sjuksköterska #campusflemingsberg #rödakorsetshögskola #studera #öppethusrkhsk karolinskainstitutet ki_studenter smi_stockholm kthstudent kthuniversity sodertorns_hogskola sodertornunilib campusflemingsberg flemingsbergscience
Welcome to Vecura, day 2 - Today we’ll bring you with us into our clean rooms! 🧼🧫 #campusflemingsberg
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Campus Flemingsberg